Blog "Health & Well-being"

What is venous insufficiency in the legs? Causes, symptoms and solutions

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Welcome to Solidea's Health & Wellness blog. Today we are going to gain an insight into venous insufficiency in the legs, a common condition that can impair the quality of life. Understanding the causes, symptoms and remedies is essential to take care of your health and favour the well-being of your legs.

One of the most effective solutions to counteract the disorders related to venous insufficiency is wearing graduated compression hosiery items, suitable for improving venous return and relieving unease. Let's understand everything you need to know about this condition and how to best deal with it.

In this article we are going to discuss: 

  • What are the causes of venous insufficiency? 
  • How do circulation diseases in the legs occur? 
  • What does venous insufficiency lead to? 
  • When should you be concerned about leg veins? 
  • What to do so as to foster blood circulation? 

What are the causes of venous insufficiency?

Venous insufficiency in the legs is a common condition that occurs when the veins fail to properly carry the blood back to the heart. The main causes include the natural aging process, which progressively weakens the venous valves and blood vessel walls. Because of aging, the veins in the legs struggle to counteract gravity, increasing the risk of venous stasis and circulatory diseases.

This condition can be worsened by genetic factors, such as a family predisposition, or by unhealthy habits, such as a sedentary lifestyle or standing or sitting for too long. Due to overweight and obesity it takes more pressure for the blood to travel through the veins, which contributes to blood stagnation. In addition, venous insufficiency is often associated with conditions such as diabetes or hypertension, which can further affect the vascular system.

Hormonal factors, such as those related to pregnancy or menopause, can temporarily weaken the venous walls. Monitoring these factors is essential to prevent complications and adopt effective solutions, such as wearing graduated compression hosiery items, to boost the well-being of the legs.

How do circulation diseases in the legs occur?

Symptoms of venous insufficiency can vary depending on the severity of the disease, however a few common signs include:

  • Leg swelling, especially at the end of the day. 
  • Sensation of heaviness and tiredness
  • Itching and appearance of dark spots on the skin, often in the areas most affected by venous stasis.
  • Formation of varicose veins, with visible, protruding veins under the skin.

These symptoms are often accompanied by increased sensitivity or pain, which may worsen with standing or sitting for long hours.

What does venous insufficiency lead to?

Venous insufficiency, if untreated, can lead to several complications that negatively affect the well-being and quality of life. One of the main consequences is Chronic Venous Disease (CVD), a condition characterized by persistent symptoms such as swelling, pain, varicose veins and skin changes. Over time, venous stasis and blood stagnation can cause alterations in the tissues, leading to an evolution of the disease.

Venous insufficiency can also increase the risk of deep vein thrombosis, a condition featuring blood clots form in the deep veins of the legs, with potential systemic complications. For this reason, timely intervention is essential to avoid worsening the situation and prevent more serious concerns.

When should you be concerned about leg veins?

Visible or varicose veins are not always a cause for concern, but it is important to monitor your symptoms. Consult a physician if you notice:

  • Persistent swelling that does not decrease after resting. 
  • Sharp or sudden pain in the vein area.
  • Redness or localized heat, potential signs of inflammation. 

A specialist medical check-up can help you diagnose any pathologies and find the most suitable treatments.

What to do so as to foster blood circulation?

An effective method to improve blood circulation and fight venous insufficiency is wearing graduated compression hosiery items. These garments apply decreasing pressure along the leg: higher at the ankle and gradually lighter towards the thigh. This system promotes the return of blood towards the heart, counteracting stagnation and reducing the pressure that builds up in the superficial vessels.

Graduated compression hosiery items boast different pressure gradients exerted on the ankle. The most appropriate choice must be based on your needs and always under medical advice. Specialist medical examination is essential to identify the most suitable degree for your condition, ensuring maximum advantage and comfort.

In addition to graduated compression, draining massages and specific creams can be a valid ally to stimulate and improve microcirculation. In this case too, it is important to seek advice from your physician. Leg venous insufficiency is a common condition that can cause unease, anyway through a proper treatment, you can improve your quality of life. Wearing graduated compression hosiery items, adopting an active lifestyle, and following a healthy dietary regime are essential steps to favour leg well-being.

Discover the Solidea products designed to support your health and improve blood circulation, bringing lightness and comfort to your days. 

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