Blog "Health & Well-being"

The main differences between therapeutic and preventive stockings

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Welcome to the Health&Wellbeing blog that Solidea dedicates to the in-depth analysis of leg well-being related issues. Today we are going to provide an insight into the dissimilarities between therapeutic and preventive stockings. To understand such otherness is crucial to choose the proper item as well as to ensure optimal blood and lymphatic circulation.

In the following paragraphs we are going to highlight the most important dissimilarities between therapeutic and preventive stockings. Importantly in this text we will use the term "stockings" to simplify reading, yet there are many types of medical devices, for lower and upper limbs. Take a look on our site!

In this article we are going to discuss:

  • The different types of elastic stockings
  • The purposes of usage of compression devices
  • What to buy when prescribed by a physician
  • Manufacturing processes and circular weftknitting
  • Definition of compression degrees

The different types of elastic stockings

The first basic difference between therapeutic and preventative stockings lies in their typology. Preventive stockings are designed to avoid the onset of circulatory disorders such as edema, deep vein thrombosis and varicose veins. On the contrary, therapeutic stockings are intended for the treatment of these pathologies once they have manifested themselves. This distinction is crucial to ensure the appropriate use of stockings depending on individual needs.

The preventive line also provides support to people who are looking for a way to avoid swollen feet and ankles, tired and sore legs. To deal with such discomforts it is sufficient to wear 70 denier stockings (12/15 mmHg), much lighter than the therapeutic ones. In fact, one of the most obvious differences is in their consistency.

The purposes of usage of compression devices

The preventive line, as its name suggests, is conceived to prevent circulatory disorders. It is suitable for those who aim to avoid problems arising from venous or lymphatic fatigue. Among people prone to venous insufficiency we find those who spend a lot of time in a static position at work, sitting or standing; people who travel for many hours, or, those people who want to improve circulation following a sporting effort.

Therapeutic stockings, on the other hand, are used to treat pathologies that have already arisen. They are prescribed to heal full-blown clinical conditions, offering targeted therapeutic support. It is important to understand this difference so as to choose the suitable product based on your specific situation.

What to buy when prescribed by a physician

Purchasing therapeutic stockings, including the first and second therapeutic class ones, requires a medical prescription. This is because certain contraindications make consultation with a specialist necessary. Elastic compression stockings must be selected based on the type and stage of the diagnosed pathology. Complying with the therapy prescribed by the physician is essential to obtain the best results without incurring unnecessary risks.

Among the pathologies for which the usage of graduated compression devices is necessary we find:

If you have doubts about the condition of your legs or suspect that you are affected from circulatory system strain, do not hesitate to seek medical advice.

Manufacturing processes and circular weft knitting

Preventive and therapeutic stockings also differ as regards the manufacturing process. Solidea offers a wide range of circular weave products, including knee-highs, stay-up stockings, tights, leggings and upper limb devices. The circular weft knitting guarantees comfort and durability over time. However, in the severe stages of some pathologies, flat weft knitting is preferred as it is necessary to treat more serious conditions. Even more so in this case it is necessary to seek advice from your specialist.

Definition of compression degrees

An important difference concerns the compression levels: only products with an indication of the compression degree printed on the case are elastic compression medical devices. Preventive Solidea stockings, tights and knee-highs range from 30 denier (8/11 mmHg) to 140 denier (18/21 mmHg).

The Solidea collection includes products from the preventive line which boast greater compression thanks to the manufacturing material. For instance, the knee-highs from the SOCKS for YOU Bamboo line, made of natural bamboo yarn and merino wool.

Therapeutic stockings feature a higher compressive strength, as previously mentioned, to meet the needs of patients suffering from circulatory and/or lymphatic pathologies and related diseases. Compression classes in this case are crucial and must be prescribed by a specialized physician.

Solidea manufactures circular weave therapeutic stockings up to the second compression class, with the exception of Marilyn hold-ups and Relax knee-highs, also available in CCL3 (34/36 mmHg) both closed toe and open toe.

In conclusion, knowing the differences between therapeutic stockings and preventive stockings is essential in order to choose the suitable product and ensure the well-being of your legs. Always remember to consult a physician so as to obtain a correct prescription and be certain to wear safe and effective compression stockings.

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